/ / We have had the Sleep Number bed for a few years now and can say it is the
very best investment we have ever made. Back pain was a fact of life for me for years.
After sleeping on the Sleep Number bed, I have improved significantly. It is amazing
to go to bed in pain and wake up refreshed and pain free. /
Janet D., Mt. Vernon, WA
Sleep Better With Comfort You Control
Are You Frustrated by the
Quality of Your Sleep?
Do you toss and turn at night? Can't
seem to find a comfortable position?
Does your back ache when you
awake? These are signs that your
mattress may not be supporting you
properly, robbing you of the sleep
you need. SUFFER N O MORE!
You Customize
the Firmness
.-л. ;
The Sleep Number Bed by
Select Comfort™ is unlike any
other. It's the bed you adjust to
your exact comfort and firmness
preference, your SLEEP NUMBER®
setting. Our easy-to-use handheld
remote and advanced air-chamber technology allow you to
quickly adjust the firmness from extra firm to feather soft at
the touch of a button.
Each Side of the Bed
Adjusts Independently
Best of all, each side of the Sleep Number® bed
adjusts independently, making it the perfect
bed for couples.
Get Relief from Back Pain
The Sleep Number® Bed
Makes Innersprings Obsolete
A traditional innerspring mattress offers only
hard metal coils for support. By contrast, the
Sleep Number® bed's revolutionary design
features air-chamber technology that adjusts
to your ideal level of firmness and support.
Conventional coil mattresses
creote uncomfortable pressure
points, interrupting sleep.
r b
Lots of pressure
Little pressure)
A Sleep Number bed
takes the pressure off.
7 7 %
W e 're so sure y o u 'll s le e p b e tte r, yo u can ta ke u p to o n e m o n th to
d e c id e , o r y o u r m o n e y b a c k !r Y ou 've g o t to s le e p o n it to b e lie v e it.
Receive a Special Thank You Gift!
F or a lim ite d tim e , in q u ire a b o u t o u r re v o lu tio n a ry b e d a n d w e 'll
se n d yo u a sp e cia l $ 5 0 S a vin g s C a rd to use to w a rd th e p u rch a se o f
any S le e p N u m b e r® b e d o r accessory ite m o f $100 o r m o re .1
e x t .
3 8 4 3 6
It's the bed clinically proven to relieve back pain and improve sleep
quality. Clinical studies show an amazing
% of participants reported
back-pain relief while
% said other aches and pains were reduced.'
□ YES!
Please rush my FREE
Brochure, DVD and Pricing.
Limited-Time Bonus!
Thank You Savings Card!*
C ity____
Daytim e Phone.
^D e scrip tio n s o f clinical stu d ie s c o n d u c te d on th e S leep N um ber® b e d
are available a t 1-800-831-1211.
t l f n ot satisfied afte r 30 nights, call w ithin 45 days o f delivery to arrange return.
W e 'll reim burse th e purchase price less your initial shipping o r H om e D elivery
and S etup fees. You pay return shipping. N o returns o r exchanges on Precision
C om fort® A djustable F oundation, closeout or d e m o bed m odels.
^R e strictio n s apply. See savings card fo r d e ta ils and e x p ira tio n d a te .
© 2 0 0 8 S elect C o m fo rt
M ail to :
S e le c t C o m fo rt , 9 80 0 5 9 th A v e n u e N o rth , M in n e a p o lis , M N 5 5 4 4 2 -9 9 7 1
1 - 8 0 0 -8 3 1 - 1 2 1 1 e x t. 3 8 4 3 6
s l e e p I
} n u m b e r .
^Restrictions apply. See savings card for details and expiration date.
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